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Welcome to the Dot Org Blog!

A trusted source of information, trends and advice for nonprofit leaders, fundraisers and marketing professionals

We know your time is valuable. We also know that the nonprofit sector changes quickly. That's why we take great care in preparing our weekly blog based upon industry trends, questions we've been getting from clients and colleagues, and our own research about what we hope will be valuable.

February 21, 2019

Six ways to become a transparent nonprofit leader

I've frequently come across the topic of transparent leadership and how it relates to building and maintaining a strong...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

January 30, 2019

Four tips I learned from attending a conference from another industry

It's important to always be learning, but we often forget we can learn from another industry. As business owners and...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

December 17, 2018

A year-end pep talk for fundraisers

As the holiday season begins, many of us will spend more time with family, participate in holiday activities and...
Sara Lundenberger - VP, Nonprofit services & operations

Sara Lundenberger - VP, Nonprofit services & operations

November 5, 2018

Five things every nonprofit board should review regularly

Being asked to be a member of a nonprofit board is an honor. It means that the nonprofit has faith that you will help...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

October 22, 2018

Year-end giving - where is my money going?

It’s that time of year when we start getting bombarded with requests for donations. Whether it’s through the mail,...
Sara Lundenberger - VP, Nonprofit services & operations

Sara Lundenberger - VP, Nonprofit services & operations

October 15, 2018

Four ways to make your organization’s newsletters stand out

It's important for your organization's newsletters to stand out. Take a minute to look in your email inbox. There are...
Dot Org Content Team

Dot Org Content Team

October 8, 2018

Nine tips on how to write and prepare an engaging speech

Writing and preparing an engaging speech can be daunting. Sure, you could hire someone to help you develop and...
Dot Org Content Team

Dot Org Content Team

September 24, 2018

Seven things leaders can do to run their nonprofit like a business

If you’re an executive director at a nonprofit, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have heard the following declaration...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

September 17, 2018

Five ways to make your nonprofit’s social media engaging and effective

Social media is not only an important part of any nonprofit’s marketing plan, but it's also important for it to be...
Dot Org Content Team

Dot Org Content Team

September 11, 2018

Eight inbound marketing tips for nonprofits

I had the opportunity to spend the week in Boston at the HubSpot INBOUND 2018 conference. I had never heard of this...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

September 4, 2018

Let's plan some sort of fundraiser...

If you are a professional who works for a nonprofit, you have probably attended or worked at an event for your...
Sara Lundenberger - VP, Nonprofit services & operations

Sara Lundenberger - VP, Nonprofit services & operations

August 27, 2018

Four reasons why learning is important for young professionals

While it’s important for everyone to continue learning throughout their career, it is especially crucial for young...
Dot Org Content Team

Dot Org Content Team