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Welcome to the Dot Org Blog!

A trusted source of information, trends and advice for nonprofit leaders, fundraisers and marketing professionals

We know your time is valuable. We also know that the nonprofit sector changes quickly. That's why we take great care in preparing our weekly blog based upon industry trends, questions we've been getting from clients and colleagues, and our own research about what we hope will be valuable.

June 24, 2021

Six digital marketing investments nonprofits can make to improve reach

For many nonprofits, digital marketing consists of occasional mass emails, an infrequently updated website and posts on...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

December 10, 2020

10 ways to take care of yourself, team and donors in December

While the month is winding down, there are still some things you can do to take care of you, your team and your donors...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

November 19, 2020

Eight attributes of strong leaders and teams

Throughout my career, I have spent a great deal of time studying leadership. Some of that study was from working and...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

October 8, 2020

Picking the best vendor partner or contractor for your company

This blog was originally published on September 20, 2019. Like most small agencies and consulting firms, we outsource...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

March 5, 2020

How shaping our workplace culture has transformed our business

There is so much discussion in business circles about building a strong workplace culture. There are hashtags devoted...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

October 31, 2019

Applying improv to life and work

Several months ago, I was having lunch with one of my peers in the fundraising consulting field. And I told him I...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

September 20, 2019

Outsourcing work to the best people

Like most small agencies and consulting firms, we outsource certain types of work to outside vendors or contractors and...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

August 23, 2019

Three operational changes leaders must make to propel their business

I believe the best way to propel your nonprofit or small business is to look for methods to improve your operations....
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

July 26, 2019

Five things nonprofits should consider when planning for 2020

Note from Amy: There is an endless amount of information available to nonprofits and we know how hard it is to get...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

June 28, 2019

Planned giving marketing

This week’s blog is based on a presentation Amy Wong, president of Dot Org Solutions, gave to a group of fundraising...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

April 18, 2019

Prioritizing when it doesn't seem possible

We’ve all had “that kind of week" (or month, year, etc.). I’m sure you know what I am talking about. It’s the kind of...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

March 21, 2019

Four fundraising metrics nonprofit leaders should know and track

Nonprofit leaders must pay attention to many details – numbers served, outcomes, staffing percentages, budgets and...
Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions

Amy Wong, president, Dot Org Solutions